the royal court 3 kennedy road介紹

由新鴻基地產發展,於1989年9月落成入伙,住宅項目為樓高近40層的單幢式分層大廈,共提供 93個單位。 頂層34樓至39樓另有複式戶,實用面積介乎1694至2217平方呎。 the royal court 3 kennedy road 中半山堅尼地道一帶的住宅物業,由於鄰近金鐘及灣仔商業區,一向備受追捧,其中帝景閣座落於頭段,因而更貼近核心商業區中環,盡享地利優勢。

Johnny Depp Claims Lily-Rose Depp Didn’t Attend His Wedding to Amber Heard: The 2 Were Not on ‘Great Terms’ – Us Weekly

Johnny Depp Claims Lily-Rose Depp Didn’t Attend His Wedding to Amber Heard: The 2 Were Not on ‘Great Terms’.

Posted: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]